Pittsboro Chiropractic Center is the only clinic offering functional HIFEM in the Brownsburg or West Indy area.

We borrowed HI-FEM technology from the cosmetic industry's Emsculpt. It is offered as functional rather than cosmetic at a fraction of the price charged by a medical spa. There is no reason to overpay for this amazing treatment!

High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic technology

Core Muscle Strengthening

HIFEM is a fat burning and body sculpting program designed to give your body the effects of an intense 5.5 hour workout in 30 minutes. This is equivalent to performing about 20,000 crunches.

HIFEM can be performed on any major muscle group including, arms, legs, abdomen, and buttocks.  It is non-invasive, painless, requires no downtime, and can provide results starting after your first 30 minute session. Results are instant and can be magnified through multiple sessions (generally 4-6) to give long-lasting effective muscle toning. (25% Increase in Muscle Mass 30% Fat Reduction) 

Contact us for more information

Functional Results

HIFEM has been used since 2018 to build muscle and reduce body fat as a cosmetic procedure. It is now utilized in a rehabilitative setting where strengthening a muscle group provides functional improvement. We are successfully strengthening core muscles resulting in diminishing low back pain. We are also effectively treating post operative deconditioning/atrophy. 

Post Pregnancy Results
HIFEM rapidly strengthens a woman's abdominal muscles stretched during pregnancy. It can provide a 19% reduction in post partum abdominal diastasis (abdominal separation). 

left pre treatment     /     right 2 month follow up
(non edited medical journal photo)

left pre treatment     /     right 2 month follow up
(non edited medical journal photo)

Our patient testimonials!

I wanted to share that I've had my abs and gluteal muscles worked by the magnetic muscle machine. My waist is smaller, my pants fit different in that jeans are looser on me, and size 11 undergarments fit better (a bit loose). I have lost fat and gained muscle. I can also do my physical therapy exercises better. Thank you so much.

Karina B. 

I could easily button my 3rd coat button and drive after the first abdominal treatment. Before treatment, I could only sometimes button it with difficulty, and then it was too tight to drive.

Cindy B.

On October 27th I had surgery on my foot. I was non-weight bearing for eight weeks. Due to this, I had lost a substantial amount of muscle in my calf along with a great deal of swelling. Dr. Starns used magnetic therapy on my leg to help build muscle. Within two sessions, I had started building muscle back and my swelling was starting to improve. My physical therapist noticed the results when I visited him. After the fourth session my swelling and muscle mass had greatly improved. I am very happy with the results from this therapy.

Connie B.

I have received 6 magnetic muscle stimulation treatments for pelvic floor strengthening. This treatment was recommended by Dr. Starns for bladder stress and urge incontinence. After the initial treatment of 30 minutes, I could tell a change in the ability to hold my urine. I feel an overall 80-85% improvement with urge incontinence (making it to the bathroom without leakage). I have also seen a 75% improvement with stress incontinence when sneezing, laughing, or being startled.

Sue D.


34 West Main Street
Pittsboro, IN, 46167, US

Office Hours

Monday         9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Lunch 1-2
Tuesday         5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Lunch 1-2
Thursday      5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Friday            9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Lunch 1-2

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